Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Onion Gouda Melt- or Lunch!

Onion Gouda Melt

Well, our lives have been on an adventure. I am not the greatest at making regular posts, but I do check in on Facebook. So, friend request me there if you really want to follow along my crazy ride of a life! So today I don’t want to focus on catching up, just a quick fun post.
I have not been doing well with going through my food supply. When we were moving all the time, I would stop shopping, take inventory and plan meals out to finish up what we had, so we didn’t move food around the country, more room for stuff. Since settling down, I haven’t had the need to go through everything and more space to stock up. Now, we have too much stuff and I want to reduce some spending for a bit. While I have not gotten up enough energy to do a full inventory, I am looking at what needs to be used up and planning a few meals around those things.
Today, I decided to use up an old roll of French Bread. It really was past it’s best-buy-date, but since it had to bake, I knew we’d be safe eating it. I opened and removed it from the package. I put it on a parchment covered cookie sheet and sliced down the center of the roll. Opening it to a larger flat dough. I then covered it with a bit of leftover Onion spread… if you have never tried this stuff… it is amazing! I then used some basic ham lunch-meat and slices of Gouda cheese. I baked it for 20 minutes at 350. Once out of the oven, I lightly dressed it with Onion dressing and sprinkled 21 Seasoning Salute. So yummy!! There was only the 3 of us for lunch, but it was all gone!
You could probably find other seasoning, dressing or mixes to use, or even dressings, but I loved the play on the strong onion flavor here. We are also a family that enjoys onions… so if fit us!

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