Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Shrimp Dip for chips!!

So, I was thinking about dinner… we have hot dog buns that need to be eaten. We had chili yesterday, so I don’t want more chili today. What to make to go with them that will be semi-special and filling? Growing up my mom would make a special dip for parties and gatherings. It was for chips… wavy/ruffled chips but made them seem so special. I have the supplies, so why not! Mom told me it came from my Aunt Teri, I don’t know where she got it.

Shrimp Dip

½- ¾ cup of Chili Sauce
½ - ¾ cup of Mayo (mom uses miracle whip)
8oz cream cheese, softened
¼ cup chopped onion
2tsp horseradish
4 ½ oz can of tiny shrimp (rinse and drain)

Cream mayo and cream cheese, add everything else Except the shrimp, blend well. Stir in shrimp by hand and chill.
Soooo easy! But the trick is to use a good sturdy chip like Ruffles or Wavy Lays.


Extra tip: 

While chopping the onions, I went ahead and chopped extra, we’ll use them on the hot dogs tonight, and I like to keep some in the fridge for morning eggs.

Onion Gouda Melt- or Lunch!

Onion Gouda Melt

Well, our lives have been on an adventure. I am not the greatest at making regular posts, but I do check in on Facebook. So, friend request me there if you really want to follow along my crazy ride of a life! So today I don’t want to focus on catching up, just a quick fun post.
I have not been doing well with going through my food supply. When we were moving all the time, I would stop shopping, take inventory and plan meals out to finish up what we had, so we didn’t move food around the country, more room for stuff. Since settling down, I haven’t had the need to go through everything and more space to stock up. Now, we have too much stuff and I want to reduce some spending for a bit. While I have not gotten up enough energy to do a full inventory, I am looking at what needs to be used up and planning a few meals around those things.
Today, I decided to use up an old roll of French Bread. It really was past it’s best-buy-date, but since it had to bake, I knew we’d be safe eating it. I opened and removed it from the package. I put it on a parchment covered cookie sheet and sliced down the center of the roll. Opening it to a larger flat dough. I then covered it with a bit of leftover Onion spread… if you have never tried this stuff… it is amazing! I then used some basic ham lunch-meat and slices of Gouda cheese. I baked it for 20 minutes at 350. Once out of the oven, I lightly dressed it with Onion dressing and sprinkled 21 Seasoning Salute. So yummy!! There was only the 3 of us for lunch, but it was all gone!
You could probably find other seasoning, dressing or mixes to use, or even dressings, but I loved the play on the strong onion flavor here. We are also a family that enjoys onions… so if fit us!