So, I have working on a few projects lately. I have been trying
to re-do our family budget and get some things paid off, I worked on
the yard some, I have a container garden going for the fall, and
still have a list of projects for church. The budget is what I have
spent most of the last week on. I have downloaded free programs or
trials, and in-put in my info, but yet none still meet my needs. One
program wasn't easy to use, yet it had a great list of budget line
items to keep track of everything, even regular gifts and Christmas
gifts. So, I tried to print the report with all of the line items, it
wouldn't print!
Over the years I have used lots of different programs and books.
None ever met my needs exactly, so I would stop using them and let
them fall away. The best things I ever did was just to use a pencil
and notebook, but even that has it's downfalls. (My handwriting is
almost as bad as my spelling!)

Years ago, we had a bank account with a small local bank. It was
totally free checking, but they had no ATM/debit card. They plain
checks were free and no limits on writing them. But, they did not
process digitally, so Walmart couldn't take them. The lobby was open
9am to 5pm M-F & 9-Noon on Saturday's and the drive-thru was open
7-7, M-Saturday! The plus to this, you might over spend by writing
checks, but you couldn't over spend by hitting the ATM or with a
swipe of the card. Back then, things were tight for us. To avoid over
spending, we decided not to write any checks. We spent only cash,
went to the bank to withdraw funds and got money orders to pay the
bills. We could only spend what we had in our pockets, if we didn't
have enough and the bank was closed.... oh well!

I had set up an envelope system back then for the bills. I would
write the bill name, due date, and amount on the outside. I would
“fund” the envelope throughout the month, as I added or took away
money, I keep a running balance. I also put the months down, as I
paid for each month, I crossed it off so I knew when the payday came
around if I needed to fund that envelope or not. If emergency repairs
came up, I would go to the different envelopes and decide if we could
borrow from it for that month. Yes, I had entertainment envelope and
other extra's so borrowing from them was easy. We both knew where we
stood financially all the time.
Now a days, we have all the bills being paid by bank draft
automatically, it's sometimes hard to keep track of and remember when
they are supposed to hit! On top of that, there a few bills being
paid by check, so waiting for them to clear and checking the bank
balance has become an everyday job. After keeping up with all of
that, I found we have forgotten to budget for the extra's. We don't
have much in the way of college savings for the boys. I also don't
have much of an emergency fund. I try, but sometimes it just gets
treated like an extra windfall of funds to do something fun with.

I have been working on different parts of our finances over the
last year. We have been working on our credit ratings, and improving
them. We have opened some new lines of credit, paid off the car, and
now I need to get the FULL budget planned. I challenged my church
family to up their personal tithe's, we are doing that as well. We
have enjoyed our summer and paid the bills, but we did not really
follow a budget. Now it's time to buckle down!
I still have to plan some more of the budget out, but at this
point I am going to tell you, we are going to live very tightly for
awhile, so we can be free to enjoy more later on! My goal is to have
at least $2500.00 in the savings account at all times. Yes, that's a
lot of money, but when an emergency hits it's usually close to
$1000.00! Also, that will be enough to cover the bills for 1 or 2
months. We have some credit card debit and a few other loans we need
to just pay off and get off the books. We need to start saving for a
nd car and would like to think about buying a house
down the road. All of those we could get better rates and lower
payments if we plan ahead and save for.

What financial challenge do you want to take on? Give yourself a
goal for something, and make a plan to reach it. Small steps are just
as good as large ones! Tell me about it, and I'll tell you about
mine. I want to be held accountable and encouraged, I want to share
in my celebrations. Put God first in these decisions and ask Him for
direction, then listen and go for it. He will reward hard work.
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