Last week was the first day of Tues-night golf. First was off to Top Golf (3-5pm) for Andy to practice for his golf tournament. Then grabbed dinner on the way to Scottish Rite (6:30-8pm) for golf lessons. Ryan gets to participate if there's enough room and golf clubs, there was. On Wednesday evening was the last night of AWANA with a church wide Ice Cream Social! Lot's of folks came out for that. It also was sing up time for Summer All Star's Wednesday Night program including soccer, and for our summer VBS/ Soccer Camp. I am continuing the role of secretary/ registration desk for these activities, so I was somewhat busy (I had some helpers, Thanks).
That weekend was our Yard Sale Fund raiser for camp for both the pre-teens and the youth. We also had a car wash going at the same time. I spent time here and there over the last few weeks getting ready for it, I was the chairperson. The kids and I spent most of Friday helping get everything set up. My folks also were still close by and wanted to see us for 1 last visit Friday night, so after picking Marty up from work, grabbing a late lunch, and running back to the church to do more setting up, around 7pm we all headed up to McKinney to eat dinner and have Ice Cream at Dairy Queen.
Then on Saturday morning, the whole family got up to church at 6:30am to finish set up and started the sale at 8am. I sent Marty and Andy off around 10:30 to go attend a 1 day special event for physical impaired kids and adults. He had lots of fun. Ryan and I stayed back at the yard sale, the sale ended at 3pm then started the cleanup. We loaded all that was left over into a donations truck, put away tables, vacuumed, and set up the fellowship hall for Sunday service. With all the great help, everything was done by 4pm. I took care a few more things and then Ryan and went and took care of the choir folders for Sunday service. By the time we were done Marty and Andy were on their way back to the church to get us. We got out of there shortly after 6pm. Long day!!
Sunday morning started with Sunday School class, then service, sing with the choir and then slip out the door to check on what else was needed for the fellowship meal lunch. I ran home to put together a salad and grab the coleslaw we had forgotten to bring, back to church for lunch. We had a special business meeting and on the way home around 3:30pm. I had a little while at home before I was off again. I had told some of the youth that I would try to come and hang out during the youth program on Sunday evenings. I went and picked up 1 at 5pm, off to church. At 5:45pm, head out to pick another 1 from work at 6pm, back to the church. Hangout until after 8pm, run to grab some take out dinner (Marty was to tired to cook, and so was I) and stop to fill the gas tank before going home! Dinner and bed!
Then started a new week! Monday- I was lazy all day! Tuesday, took Marty to work, did some errands and then pick Marty up with a change of clothes for him, and Golf events! Wednesday first night of All Stars, worked the registration table, took care of choir folders, choir practice afterwards and home around 8:30pm. Thursday, took Marty to work. We needed to do some shopping for items Andy will need at camp next week. He is expensive!! Pick Marty up when he finally got done after 8pm! Dinner on the way home and then bed for the whole family!
Today I have been going through the packing list for Andy. Have the kids cleaning up their toy room so Chris can have a room to himself when he comes to stay next week with Ryan. Marty will have to work, Andy will be at Spina Bifida Camp Sunday through Friday and I am going to the Southern Baptist Convention in Houston Monday through late Wednesday. I started to realize that I also need a packing list! We also need some labels for Andy's camp stuff, so I ordered some from Staples online and a stamp to share contact info with new friends. We have to run and pick them up later.
Tomorrow Marty has to be at church by 9 am for lawn care, Andy has another practice at Top Golf 9-11am and then we need to finish washing clothes and packing for both trips. We are missing church this Sunday as Andy needs to be at Scottish Rite at 9:30 am for his pre-camp physical, then get all the check in process done, lunch ate and ready to get on the bus at noon. Marty has a meeting at church at 2:30 and then I am going to the youth program again in the evening. I have to be ready to go on Monday around noon, Chris will be coming over at that point so I'll have to cover things with him then. I'll be picked up around 2 pm to head down to the Southern Baptist Convention in Houston. I have signed up for extra break-out sessions at breakfast time and lunch time on both days. There also is a movie screening of Grace Unplugged on Tuesday evening 9pm- 11pm. We'll head back to Dallas after the day is over on Wednesday late afternoon.

Andy gets back from camp on Friday around noon time and then there is a Parents Night Out event at church that evening. Top Golf again on Saturday morning, then church on Sunday. Andy's Dallas Golf Tournament is on Monday around noontime. Then it will be Tuesday so he'll have the golf lessons at Scottish Rite again.
We don't have anything planned until beginning of July, when the kids go to pre-teen camp with church. And then at the end of July is VBS/ Soccer Camp week. Fathers day is going to be a quick blip! But at least we know the kids have something to do this summer! LOL We also want to find Ryan some rec department activity to participate in. He's starting to get jealous of all Andy's activities.
So, there's the update and forecast..... I will try to catch you up again soon! Forgive me and don't give up on me if I don't check in that often for awhile.
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